First Look

Might be your favorite moment the whole day, the first time you see each other…

You can do this in front of all the guests, all eyes on you, walking down the aisle, or… it can be just the two of you!


Although at my own wedding we only wanted to see each other during the ceremony, as a Photographer I love intimate first looks… you can get very emotional, and when there are other people around, you might try to keep it together… Nothing wrong with that, but I always love to see tears and emotions coming out loud! Are you comfortable letting a few teardrops to roll down your chin in front of other people, or would you rather be alone when you lay eyes on each other for the first time in your wedding outfits? It’s up to you!

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I love doing this at the location of the ceremony!

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It is usually the place where we start the portrait session, so the background can be something really nice and intimate.

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You should see this in our film as well! at 00:57

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You know what? I collected some photos from weddings where they only saw each other during the ceremony for the first time, this might help to decide which option is more YOU.

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